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-Post Against Type (I hope)

This is a little bit of a throw-away, but I hope to convey that I am not a dour, disapproving, nay-sayer all the time--I find joy in some little things. Sometimes, I even revel in the role of consumer, as ridiculous as that can be.

What I wish to celebrate today is my most recent big-ticket acquisition. Please see below. It is a Stella--a near exact replica of a Vespa from 20 years ago, with appropriate technological updates in engine and suspension. Revel in its graceful lines and beauty, appreciate its vibrant green-ness (yes that color, bought it used for a great price). The mirrors are missing in this sample photo--please know that I do use rear-view mirrors on my rides.
Oddly enough, I now plan trips for myself by figuring out which is the best route to my destination. Curves, potential speed, shade trees and low traffic are some key points to consider in such planning. Nice houses to see and have-I-been-there-before, just a pinch.

All parts of one's body influence the ride, coordination and consideration are key. Well, okay, maybe the left leg is not so important (both clutch and shifter are via left hand), but that is more than made up for by the sheer engagment in the process of riding that the Stella requires.

I can't say in which book he did so, but Douglas Coupland once said, "Driving is the only time you're legally allowed not to deal with your problems. It's enforced meditation, and this is good." The Stella is that for me, squared. There is no question but that I'm thinking of the downshift, ensuring the signal is off after the turn, watching the speed, leaning in to adjust away from the pothole, etc., and not at all stewing about spinal disk failure, unemployment or life's purpose.

In its way, such meditation may, in fact, allow those more thorny and abstracted problems to circulate and mix in a way that may produce answers surprising in both their arrival and content. I'll let you know--I am still percolating.

Please know, too, that I wear the things below when riding. (Yes, that color--My hope is for highest-possible-visibility. Lots of sun to hit that chrome here, hence the other product, at least when I remember, SPF 30.)

Am I disgusting you yet? I'm a bit nauseated with all of this consumerism. Perhaps I'll take a ride and clear my head with some fresh air.


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